Podcast recommendation: "Vanbikes" with Viewpoint Vancouver

In this very special podcast, author Colin Stein unveils an epic portrait of our place and time: Vanbikes: Vancouver’s Bicycle People and the Fight for Transportation Change, 1986-2011 (An Oral History). In conversation with Gordon and a room full of fans, he relates how the bicycle people transformed Vancouver, and how Vancouver transformed Colin Stein.

Related as a series of discussions and anecdotes and packed with photos and memorabilia, Vanbikes tells of culture change from the inside out. It’s a page-turning tale of activism, both within and beyond the bureaucracy, including endless bike-lane battles, naked riders, B.C:Clettes dancers, cycling dinosaurs, City Hall smackdowns, and eventually, the mayor of Vancouver himself fronting the Critical Mass and committing to make Vancouver the #1 cycling city in North America (which, according to some lists, it now is). From grass-roots to sweeping policy change: how we got here, and where we’re going.

This podcast includes much laughter, clinking glassware, and some heckling – and concludes with a lively Q&A featuring folks who were featured in the book.

Courtesy of Viewpoint Vancouver.
Visit viewpointvancouver.ca for more Urbanism, Insight, and Evolution.

To check out Colin’s book and order your copy visit vanbikes.ca.