Bike Valet Toolkit


This toolkit contains resources and links on how to start a bike valet. Our thanks to Capital Bike and Todd Glover for providing best practices and how-to materials for running bike valet services.


  • Capital Bike Materials
  • Bike Tracking
    • Tag System Kit
    • TagTracker
  • Racks
  • Other Resources

Coming soon:

  • How to park bikes
  • Parking in adverse conditions (wet, sloped, hot etc)
  • Notes on other materials

Capital Bike Materials

Capital Bike has graciously provided a large amount of documentation, including a template for standard operating procedures, an equipment list, and the construction of their tag system. This documentation can be found in The Locker toolkit on the Capital Bike website.

Bike Tracking

Tag System Kit

Tags come in pairs of one big and one small tag. The big tag goes on a bike and the small tag goes in the customer's pocket. They should be stored in order and used in order so that bikes are always findable. Capital Bike's toolkit contains recommended materials for making reusable tags. With these materials, we recommend the adoption of the TagTracker numbering scheme, found here.


TagTracker is a tailor-made solution for bike tracking in bike valets. It can track, live, the time each bike spends in the valet, how many bikes are in the valet at a given time, and more. It also generates all kinds usage statistics, graphs, and more! To get in contact about TagTracker, email


Best practice is to use triathlon-style racks. There are relatively few places to obtain these. Many triathlons, valets, and bike shops make their own racks from tube steel. If you are looking to purchase racks, especially as a cycling advocacy group, one group to reach out to about non-profit pricing is MovedByBikes at