BC Budget Lock Up - UPDATE

Mike Koski, Executive Director of BCCC, was present today for the provinces Budget Lock Up, and for an early look at our governments Budget 2023.

BCCC can now share with our members and followers a cautiously optimistic and substantially increased budget supporting improvements in active transportation funding. Directly from the 2023 Provincial Budget:

“In 2019, the Province launched BC’s Active Transportation Strategy as part of the CleanBC Plan to create community-specific active transportation networks that are safe, accessible and convenient for pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders and motorists – of all ages and abilities. The strategy aims to double the percentage of trips taken with active transportation by 2030, and reduce vehicle transportation. As part of Budget 2023, government is investing $100 million in capital funding over three years ($10 mil 2023/24; $40 mil 2024/2025; $50 mil 2025/26) to support more active transportation investments across B.C. This builds on the $48 million provided as part of the Budget 2021 and Budget 2022 to help local governments improve active transportation infrastructure, such as building connecting sidewalks, installing bike lanes, and building multi-use paths and parks. This will improve access and convenience to help people connect to communities, schools, work and other services using active transportation.”

As the BC Cycling Coalition reviews Budget 2023 in more depth, we will report out to associations, members and organizations updated news of how the next few years budget will better support cyclists and vulnerable road users across B.C. Specifically, we will be getting more detail on direct municipal government support, and potential changes to e-bike rebates, of which more information should come out in the next few months as the government releases their 2023 Climate Transportation Action Plan.